Welcome to Wizardry

Welcome to Wizardry

I’m glad you’ve found this site useful. My goal is to provide a collection of free resources I wished I had when I began tinkering.

Shortly, you’ll be receiving a welcome email.

Reminder: “The Diff” is a weekly email with project ideas and inspiration.

I hope this can be the beginning of a conversation between us. In case you’re curious…

  • Our Story: from vanlife to a cabin in the woods, and how this site came to be.
  • The Cabin: our project to retrofit the cabin into a DIY smart-home (on a budget).
  • Get in touch: share a project, some feedback, or just say “hi.”

— Zane

vanlife with an australian shepherd dog
Azuli, our travel companion, in the New Mexico desert.
Written by
(zane) / Technically Wizardry


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