DIY coding projects which include source code and/or tutorials.

Home Assistant support for MotionEye cameras limited. I created a custom component with auto-discovery and actions for my pan tilt zoom security camera. You can find the Home Assistant MotionEye...

Building a DIY Raspberry Pi security camera is much easier than it might sound thanks to open-source security camera software. We use several such cameras placed around the house, as part of our DIY...

Aside from playing music, a multi-room audio system is also capable of becoming a loudspeaker network. Using Home Assistant, it's easy to broadcast audio alerts to the entire household. Playing a Wav...

When trying to figure out why the internet is slow, it can be hard to learn exactly which device on the network is eating up all the bandwidth. Many solutions to this problem require software to be...

Many people come to the DIY IOT space by way of Arduino Uno & Nano. One simple approach to home automation is to treat the Arduino as a USB device which provides the Raspberry Pi sensors'...

On the left side of Home Assistant are a number of different panels. Most users are familiar with the default panels, like "Overview," a.k.a. the Lovelace dashboard — but it's possible to do a lot...

"Home Automation" sounds like something that belongs, well... in the home. But since we sometimes live in a van, I could not help but wonder: is there anything the Internet of Things could make...

For those who want to dive deep into the Internet of Things, provides an incredibly powerful platform for monitoring and automation. After years of using it, this article focuses on...

Anybody who's set up more than a single Raspberry Pi knows how frustrating it can be to keep them all up-to-date and working correctly. The slightest configuration change can require copying files...

Actually compiling (building) a game with Unity can be slow. It hogs all the resources on your computer, leaving a frustrated Unity developer unable to do much else. Multiply this problem by building...
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