Kubernetes tutorials, links, and resources. Deploy a Kubernetes cluster at home or in the cloud, using anything from Raspberry Pis to bleeding-edge hardware.

Deploying Kubernetes has gotten easier than ever. Home Automation with Raspberry Pi(s) can now benefit from some of the tools used by large-scale deployments. There are many. ways to design an IOT...

Grafana is perhaps the most popular, powerful visualization software available. It can be used to monitor a Kubernetes cluster, home-assistant, and just about anything else. Using Grafana+Docker can...

Node-RED allows Raspberry Pis to act as gateways for specific home-automation features, playing an essential role in both the van and the cabin. This is one of several posts on containerization of...

On the left side of Home Assistant are a number of different panels. Most users are familiar with the default panels, like "Overview," a.k.a. the Lovelace dashboard — but it's possible to do a lot...

Running a dedicated computer at home to act as a server is much easier — not to mention more useful — than it used to be. It can speed up the internet while providing a great deal of privacy +...

Pi Hole is a network wide ad blocker. It can protect an entire home from advertisements. It can even help to speed up the network. However, running PiHole Docker+Kubernetes poses a couple interesting...

The more you're willing to self-manage your cloud software, the cheaper the costs will be. These days, it's actually relatively easy to use tools like Docker and Kubernetes to deploy stable...

Anybody who's set up more than a single Raspberry Pi knows how frustrating it can be to keep them all up-to-date and working correctly. The slightest configuration change can require copying files...

Actually compiling (building) a game with Unity can be slow. It hogs all the resources on your computer, leaving a frustrated Unity developer unable to do much else. Multiply this problem by building...

Setting up an envoy proxy can help websites scale, especially in a dockerized world of micro-services. As websites grow, routing traffic becomes increasingly complicated. Different subdomains...
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