An introduction to creating home automation(s) with, cheap sensors, and a few lines of code.

No silly gimmicks. This collection of home automation ideas will actually make your home more enjoyable for you and your guests. I've personally implemented many of the ideas in this list. These all...

Deploying Kubernetes has gotten easier than ever. Home Automation with Raspberry Pi(s) can now benefit from some of the tools used by large-scale deployments. There are many. ways to design an IOT...

On the left side of Home Assistant are a number of different panels. Most users are familiar with the default panels, like "Overview," a.k.a. the Lovelace dashboard — but it's possible to do a lot...

I've found that screens are not my favorite way to manage my home automation. It's too annoying to unlock a phone/computer/kiosk, start an app, and find the right menu option. Even my magic...

"Home Automation" sounds like something that belongs, well... in the home. But since we sometimes live in a van, I could not help but wonder: is there anything the Internet of Things could make...

For those who want to dive deep into the Internet of Things, provides an incredibly powerful platform for monitoring and automation. After years of using it, this article focuses on...

I needed a way to for guests to control my home automation. There are many easy remote control products out there, like Harmony by Logitech. But is so much more powerful than these...